Following a Building Collapse in France, Multiple Bodies are Found

Recently, a building collapse in France claimed the lives of several individuals and left many others injured. The incident was a tragic reminder of the importance of effective emergency response and communication strategies during disasters.

STS Mobile App for Improved Emergency Response

Simple Tracking System used for tracking and reunification is an innovative tool that can help organizations improve their emergency response capabilities. In the case of the building collapse, the app could have been used to track the location and status of individuals who were impacted by the disaster. This would have helped emergency responders to quickly identify those who were in need of medical attention and other forms of assistance.

Reunification Made Easier with STS

The STS reunification feature has another valuable use for organizations during disasters. By using the system, individuals who are separated from their loved ones can be quickly and accurately reunited with their family and friends. This provides peace of mind to both individuals and their families, reducing the stress, anxiety, and most importantly the guesswork associated with disasters.

Request a Demo to Improve Your Emergency Preparedness

If you’re interested in improving your organization’s emergency preparedness and response capabilities, request a demo of Simple Tracking System today by visiting Our team would be happy to provide you with a personalized walkthrough of our software and answer any questions you may have. With STS, you can be better equipped to handle emergencies and protect the safety and well-being of your community.

The building collapse in France was a tragic event that underscores the need for effective emergency response and communication strategies during disasters. Simple Tracking System can help many types of organizations improve their emergency preparedness and response capabilities. Request a demo today and see for yourself how STS can make a difference in your organization.

The information and images used in the previous responses are sourced from the news article available at